Makai has partnered with Q-Marine to offer a unique propulsion solution that when paired with Makais innovative hull design will both improve performance and fuel efficiency whilst at the same time reducing maintenance costs and improving reliability. Despite Q-SPD’s simple and clean appearance the innovative design puts all vulnerable components inboard away from the elements. With less moving parts there is naturally less to go wrong, guaranteeing reliability and longevity.

Surface-piercing propellers sit almost half-in and half-out of the water, just behind the transoms. So having the propeller at the water surface means more of the lower part of the propeller occupies “clean” water, while the upper part must only pass through the atmosphere and not water - reducing drag and draft, and making surface drives such as ours suitable for many applications where the owner is looking to reduce fuel consumption, increase speed and create a more efficient vessel.
The Q-SPD drive and propeller design offer better low-speed operation without the need for propeller trim functions or other assistance that other drive types need. Q-SPD’s contoured underbody design promotes better thrust at low speeds both in forward and reverse, enhancing manoeuvrability and reverse performance. Low-speed operation is predictable and positive and again there is no need for the addition of trimming propellers.
Q-SPD combined with MAKAI naval architecture offers a superior surface piercing system, while delivering the same high-performance characteristics expected from the finest performance motor yachts. The Q-SPD solution requires virtually no maintenance - all hydraulic cylinders, lines and systems, and other critical mechanical parts are inside the vessel. Water lubricated shaft bearings and self-lubricating rudder bearings offer long-life maintenance-free operation.
The Q-SPD Surface Drive delivers immediate and effortless acceleration. Q-SPD uses exhaust, as well as passive air ventilation to provide the correct amount of propeller ventilation at all times. There is no need for added vent pipes, no need for vent grills in swim platforms to get enough air to the props and no need for propeller trim operation to get up on the plane. Just push the throttle levers and go to achieve planning conditions faster and with greater ease.
Many MAKAI owners opted for Q-SPD Surface Drives not just for the efficiency and speed gains, but the long-term reliability and reduced maintenance down-time. Even in demanding commercial applications, Q-SPD drives are proven to endure thousands of hours without significant servicing requirements.

Less Hassle
Improved Fuel Efficiency
Lower Maintenance
Increased Performance
Anyone who has owned a z-drive will know that to keep them running smoothly for years and years to come will require regular service and maintenance. This is essential to their ongoing performance. The QSPD surface drive on the other hand requires minimal maintenance and boasts military grade reliability. It achieves such reliability simply by using high tech materials and through simple design, in fact with the QSPD surface drive you should expect reliability equal to or greater than traditional shaft drive.
"we consistently see 15% to 18% better performance out of a 30-knot boat by using surface drives" - Leigh Michau, Founder of Q-SPD Surface Drives